[Oberlist] Fwd: Fiodorova Tatiana, Moldova
Татьяна Федорова
tfiodorova la gmail.com
Mar Noi 4 11:13:19 CET 2008
Dear colleagues!!!!
I invite all on an exhibition Ro-Md, which will be till 10 November .
Curator: Stefan Rusu. Center for Contemporary Art-[KSA:K]
Within the framework of this exhibition you can see the project "Krisha" and
documentary film " Statul fantoma " by Fiodorova Tatiana. http: //
picasaweb.google.com/TFiodorova/Project Krisha
The project "Krisha" investigates ethymology of russian word "roof".
How this word is used today and as the political situation influences
development and expansion of meaning of this word.
The documentary film " Statul fantoma " investigates a problem of double
citizenship in Moldova, and as puts a question: whether " It is possible to
consider republic Моldova is state fantom".
Fiodorova Tatiana
artist&coordinator KSA:K
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