[Oberlist] UK* Free Press - call to writers and artists
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Vin Dec 12 02:07:46 CET 2008
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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [curatorial.net] Free Press - call to writers and artists
From: "Sophie Mellor" <sophiemello la hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, December 9, 2008 12:56
To: curatorial la curatorial.net
..-. .-. . . .--. .-. . ... ...
Trade Union
is a project initiated to explore ideas around late capitalism; in
particular the economies of contemporary art and the possibilities
that can arise from the current geopolitical climate.
Trade Union
is issuing a call to writers and artists interested in contributing
to Free Press.
Free Press is
a critical collaborative writing project where participants decide
the form and content of the publication, as well as producing the
final document and deciding how it will be distributed. The main production
process will happen over 3 days during March 2009, at Plan
9 in Bristol, with a preparatory
dialogue happening online beforehand. Travel costs, food and
accommodation will be provided.
If you are interested in participating,
please send your CV and two examples of your writing to
tradeunionart la gmail.com
by 20 January 2009.More information on Trade Union at
http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/122465942/direct/01/[curatorial.net] - mailing
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