[Oberlist] Fwd: [curatorial.net] Open call for Trans-disciplinary art project: Remediating Sound

stefan rusu suhebator la gmail.com
Mar Dec 16 08:51:12 CET 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: soon <siusoon la gmail.com>
Date: 2008/12/16
Subject: [curatorial.net] Open call for Trans-disciplinary art project:
Remediating Sound
To: curatorial la curatorial.net

      Sorry for cross posting, please help to forward:

> ------------------------------------------------
> From http://voxboxart.com, presented by InNoPo
> Call for entries:
> We are looking for a selection of artists working in different disciplines.
> We do not have any restrictions on art form, but to give an example (in no
> particular order) works can range from digital technologies such as physical
> computing and electronics, software computing, robotics, net art, mobile
> computing, video to traditional media such as sculpture, performance, paint,
> photography, etc. We shall provide a single audio source and you will
> participate in making new work in response to this sound, using your chosen
> medium for public exhibition.
> About the project:
> <VoxBox> <one audio input, infinite cultural output>
> The VoxBox project opens up questions of experience, perception and
> remediation.
> We aim to bring together a selection of artists from a wide range of
> disciplines to remediate a single source material, and to place their
> results alongside one another in an exhibition.
> For selected artists, the final artwork will be included in the larger
> group exhibition held in Spring 2009 in Plymouth, UK (venue tbc). An initial
> briefing session in early February will kick off the project, with the final
> artworks to be submitted on or before 15-Mar-2009.
> We provide exhibition venue, publicity, technical equipment for exhibition,
> and documentation.
> Application deadline: 16 January 2009
> Announcement of selected artists: 26 January 2009
> Initial briefing session: 2 February 2009
> Deadline for production of final work: 15 March 2009
> To apply, please email voxboxart la siusoon.com providing the following
> information:
> *********************************************
> *No restrictions on group/individual entries
> Full name
 Contact details – Email, phone number, address.
> URL / pdf of your portfolio
> CV – 2 pages maximum
> Statement: Description of interests and working practice. Please indicate
> which media and/or technology you might use to address this project brief. –
> 800 words maximum
> Maximum attachment size – 7MB
> *********************************************
> We encourage applicants to explore original concepts, alternative points of
> view and demonstrate their capacity and commitment to bring the project to
> successful completion.
> Info & contact:
 voxboxart la siusoon.com
> For more details, please visit http://voxboxart.com
> Who we are:
> InNoPO(In No Particular Order)
> A trans-disciplinary curatorial partnership.
> InNoPO is a new international curatorial partnership made up of Winnie Soon
> (Hong Kong), David G. Johns (UK) and Danai-Maria Katsanta (Greece). We are
> dedicated to the research, development and production of high quality
> artworks from new, emerging and established practitioners across a range of
> disciplines. We aim to bring together artists who contrast in philosophy and
> practice, and yet complement one another in their difference. We see
> artistic conflict and synthesis as a reflexive process that informs (and
> re-informs) the writing and reading of cultural texts.
> The heart of InNoPO is diversity. We seek artists to form residencies,
> exhibitions and discussions, which challenge ideas, make statements, and
> take part in the perpetual cycle of cultural production. The only thing we
> specify is that artists are led by their own perceptual framework. Art,
> regardless of discipline, facilitates the growth of diversity in culture –
> through perceiving it, interpreting it, producing it. Our relationship with
> art takes influence from, shapes and evolves culture. InNoPO brings this
> relationship to
> the fore, slaps it about the chops a bit, and gives us all a little more to
> think about.

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