[Oberlist] IT* 50 Bogliasco Fellowships

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Vin Dec 19 23:27:42 CET 2008

Bogliasco, Italy
perioada: 2009, 2010

Liguria Study Center for the Arts and Humanities
Štipendije Študijskega centra Bogliasco

Approximately 50 Bogliasco Fellowships are awarded each year.

Fellowships are awarded, without regard to nationality, to qualified
persons doing advanced creative work or scholarly research in the
following disciplines: archaeology, architecture, classics, dance, film or
video, history, landscape architecture, literature, music, philosophy,
theatre, visual arts in the arts.
The study centre welcomes persons doing both creative and scholarly work
(such as art history, musicology, film criticism and so on) with respect
to dance, music, and theatre. However, the centre does not have rehearsal
studio space for persons wishing to work extensively in performance.
Applicants should demonstrate significant achievement in their
disciplines, commensurate with their age and experience. They should also
submit descriptions of the projects that they intend to pursue in
Bogliasco. Each year approximately 50 fellowships are awarded. Their
duration goes from one month (31-32 days) to half semester (48 days).
Applications are reviewed twice a year.

Application deadlines:

15 January 2009, for the fall-winter semester beginning in September 2009
and 15 April 2009, for the winter-spring semester beginning in February

data limita: 15/01/09, 15/04/09

Liguria Study Center for the Arts and Humanities
Fondazione Bogliasco
Via Aurelia 4
16031  Bogliasco (Genova)
info la bfge.org

Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
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information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

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