[Oberlist] GH* Call for Project Participants

Oberliht info la oberliht.org.md
Mie Ian 7 22:16:27 CET 2009

This is a forwarded message
From: Africoae Africoae <africoae la gmail.com>
To: info la oberliht.org.md
Date: Friday, January 2, 2009, 10:51:36 PM
Subject: Call for Project Participants

===8<==============Original message text===============
Dear Colleague, Greetings! I read about your projects with interest
in collaborations. Herein, to your attention, is some information
that includes a pre-symposium session of The Kumasi Symposium we
are doing in Ghana this 2009. We anticipate a stimulating Ghana
experience. Please come and post/distribute to others in your circle
of contacts you think might be interested in the arts-based social

And do accept my best wishes for a productive 2009. Barthosa Nkurumeh,
AfriCOAE General Secretary(Artist and Educator, ILAC- College
of Education, University of Oklahoma)Project Web
sites: http://afropoets.tripod.com/eta, http://www.focusonthearts.org  


          One means of Tapping Local Resources for Sustainable Education
through Art is by bringing together specialists form diverse parts
of the world in a trans-national platform for inter-trading of cultural
and knowledge capital in evidence-based society. In the Kumasi Curio
Kiosks Project, the trade of intellectual capital from the specialist
to the generalist requires both the sharing of existing and onward
replication of the modules of knowledge that may accrue. Interestingly,
the specialist participant will create a Curio Kiosk of 6 x 6ft for
a temporary exhibition/stock of works by the specialist, and relevant
other national cultural/intellectual capital for trading with the locals.
The 6 x 6ft kiosk can be conceived as a mental space or a constructed
physical space with any material, constructed on site or pre-fabricated,
and as an individual enterprise or a collaborative one.   In the Kumasi
case, we refer to the cluster of curio kiosks as a Trade Commune; a
historical allusion be made subtly but we use the term "curio kiosks"
in anticipation that the outward design will invoke curiosity or content
will bear special attraction to the locals. The setting for a Trade
Commune may be a Kumasi city street, university campus, or a village
within the Kumasi metro, as appropriate to the design of the arts
participant. The mode of exchange is open in manners of traditional
lectures, demonstrations, workshops, dialogical methods, and direct
exchanges of material culture; or the post-modernist modalities in
the way of performances, slide/new media/film screenings, and a hundred
others. A trade may be by barter, cash, gift to the local or what ever
is simpler and mutual. The trade is not just an inventory of arts data,
cross-cultural process of negotiation and sharing of evidence creation;
it is an engagement in a particular kind of commercial enterprise through
use of the arts. Relying on collaboration, and free exercise of the arts,
we therefore seek to stimulate for intellectual freedom and renewed vision
of the arts as economic-cultural capital in the city. Because the process
and structure encourages integration/assertion of the participant #39;s
institutional knowledge and national cultural capital, the supposition
is that the individual or group would attract sponsorship for own costs
from home institution or country.     The Kumasi Curio Kiosks Project is
a project session of "The Kumasi Symposium: Tapping Local Resources for
Sustainable Education through Art". The arts-based social experiment is
designed to provide a context that will stimulate the artist, scholar
and activist participants to place themselves and their practice into
question and possibly resolutions through collaboration and
cultural/artistic interchange. The pre-symposium session will run from
July 31-August 8 2009 and the symposium from July 11-14 2009. About 30
local artists will be selected to work alongside some invited international
colleagues.   If interested in participating in the project, send an
introductory material on you, and a statement of interest with
sketches/description of your proposed 6 x 6 ft Curio Kiosk that
should be set up at Kumasi between July 31-August 7 2009 to
africoae la gmail.com, -indicate if any local needs will be required
(max. one page). Space is limited; all submissions will be reviewed
until space is filled. We are also accepting nominations for the Project
Co-Curator, Convener, Provocateur and Roundtable Discussants.        

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Best regards,
 Oberliht                            mailto:info la oberliht.org.md
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