[Oberlist] Bucharest: A Portrait - Sarah Evans la Atelier 35 - joi 12 februarie, ora 19:00

contact la atelier35.eu contact la atelier35.eu
Lun Feb 9 13:01:38 CET 2009

  Galeria Atelier 35 va invita la expozitia  Bucharest: A Portrait  a
  artistei Sarah Evans. Expozitia va fi deschisa in perioada 10-25
  februarie , iar vernisajul va avea loc Joi 12 Februarie , ora 19:00.

Bucharest, capital of Romania, is a city in rapid transition. In recent 
years the place has enjoyed an economic boom, which has been accelerated 
since joining the EU in 2007. 

During the Communist period, 1947--1989, hundreds of thousands of people 
were arbitrarily executed or imprisoned for political, economic and 
unknown reasons. It is estimated that, in total, the regime directly 
killed up to two million people.  Nicolae Ceausescu was the leader of 
Romania from 1965 until 1989, when a revolution and coup removed him 
from power. He and his wife were executed on 25th December, 1989.  

This video comprises a series of static shots of the city, which run 
alongside each other to form a non linear looping narrative. As each 
shot progresses from day to night, young, professional Bucharestians 
talk about their feelings and experiences of the city, it's recent 
history and their memories of the Communist regime.


Sarah Evans is a British video artist, filmmaker and writer. She also 
teaches video and photography at London Metropolitan University. Since 
her first visit to Romania in 2006, Sarah has returned regularly to 
exhibit her work and develop video pieces that capture the mood of the 
people and the time. Her film, Bucharest: A Portrait, is currently part 
of a touring exhibition entitled 'Responses to Conflict and Loss'. Sarah 
has an MA in Image and Communication from Goldsmiths College.

Persoana de contact:
Vlad Ionescu
0744 99 65 47
vlad.ionescu.net la gmail.com <mailto:vlad.ionescu.net la gmail.com>

Atelier 35
contact la atelier35.eu

Str. Selari, nr. 13, sector 3, Bucuresti
program: marti - duminica 13.00 - 20.00

Atelier35 este un spatiu destinat tinerilor, ce incurajeaza
cercetarile artistice din zona experimentala, noile mijloace de expresie
si promoveaza comunicarea intre medii

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