[Oberlist] GR* call/fest/vid|vis: Miden 2009 - start from zero!

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Mar Mar 3 05:29:14 CET 2009

Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
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portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [Rezone] call for entries: Festival Miden 2009 - start from zero!
From:    "Linda" <chetri la gmail.com>
Date:    Mon, March 2, 2009 11:43
To:      rezone la lists.rixc.lv


Call for entries - Festival Miden 2009 - start from zero!

Video Art Festival Miden invites all video artists and video creators
to participate in this year's events, which will take place, like the
past four years, in public spaces at the Historic Centre of the city
of Kalamata, Greece, in July 2009.

In it's 5th realization, Festival Miden is supported by Kalamata's
Historic Centre Organisation, The Messinia Chamber of Commerce and the
Municipality of Kalamata.

The deadline for the submission of application forms and videos is the
31st of March 2009 (post stamped).

This year, along with the main program, Festival Miden wishes to
present the following additional special showcases:

--> a special theme program entitled "Transforming the ordinary"
--> a special theme program entitled "Strange thoughts"
--> a tribute to videodance
--> a special theme program entitled "Urban (R)evolutions"
in the context of the "Urban (R)evolutions" thematic unit, along with
video screenings we invite all artists to submit still images (photos,
digital images, photo-montages, collages, drawings, 3D graphics,
architectural proposals etc) which transform and alter creatively the
urban landscape. Each participant can submit up to 10 images. All
submitted works will be screened in the form of a slide-show in open
spaces of the Historic Centre of Kalamata. Submitted works must be
original. Minimum image size 800x600pixels, 72dpi, tiff, jpg or bmp
format. Please send your images along with a short cv via e-mail at
festivalmiden la gmail.com with the indication "Urban-stills". Deadline:

For any extra information contact us at: info la festivalmiden.gr

For application forms and entry regulations go to

.. REZONE http://re-lab.lv/rezone
.. WWW: https://lists.rixc.lv/mailman/listinfo/rezone

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