[Oberlist] MD* evnt/proj/film: CHIOSC - proiectie de filme la ARThotel / film projection at ARThotel

Vladimir US vladimir at oberliht.org.md
Mon Jul 27 14:02:56 CEST 2009

--- scroll down for English ---

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Proiectul CHIOSC
punct de informare cultural - platforma de participare publica

In asteptarea CHIOSC-ului - program de proiectii de film la ARThotel
selectie de Natasa BODROZIC
28 iulie, 2009, ora 18:00, Chisinau

Ultima sesiune de proiectii IN ASTEPTAREA CHIOSC-ului de la ARThotel,  
prezinta trei artisti: Matthew BARNEY, Sophie CALLE si Maurizio  
CATTELAN, nume deja stabilite in lumea artei contemporane ale caror  
lucrari fac parte din toate colectiile de arta importante la zi.  
Practica lor artistica va fi reprezentata intr-un format specific  
filmului documentar, prin intermediul anchetei efectuate de istoricul  
de arta Ben Lewis, care este preocupat de de-construirea si  
demistificarea fenomenul artei contemporane.

Matthew BARNEY (San Francisco, 1967) este un controversat artist  
american care lucreaza in domeniul sculpturii, fotografiei, desenului  
si filmului. Dupa absolvirea de la Yale, in 1991, BARNEY a intrat in  
lumea artei cu un success controversat instantaneu. Intre 1994 si  
2002, el a creat Ciclul Cremaster, o serie de cinci filme de lung  
metraj descrise ca fiind "una dintre cele mai stralucite realizari  
imaginative in istoria cinematografiei de avangarda”. Titlul filmului  
se refera la muschiul care ridica si lasa sa cada sistemul reproductiv  
masculin in functie de temperatura, de stimulare externa, sau de  
frica. Filmele in sine reprezinta un mix enorm de istorie,  
autobiografie si mitologie, un univers intens privat, in care  
simbolurile si imaginile sint dens stratificate si interconectate.

Artistul italian Maurizio CATTELAN (Padova, 1960), este, probabil, cel  
mai bine cunoscut prin satiricele si controversatele sale sculpturi,  
in special La Nona Ora (A Noua Ora), ilustrind pe Papa John Paul al II- 
lea lovit de un meteorit. Prin lucrarile sale, el contesta opinia  
generala precum ca arta este separata de realitate ceea ce-i permite,  
prin urmare, un spectru mult mai larg de actiune decit de obicei. Papa  
lovit de meteorit, Hitler, mic, in rugaciune (Him), o veverita, care  
tocmai s-a sinucis (Bidibidobidiboo) sint unele din figurile  
caricaturizate si tragice in acelasi timp a lui CATTELAN.

Sophie CALLE (n. 1953) este o scriitoare franceza, fotograf, artist  
care practica instatia si arta conceptuala. Lucrarile lui CALLE se  
disting prin utilizarea arbitrara a unui set de constringeri.  
Creatiile sale reprezinta frecvent vulnerabilitatea umana si  
analizeaza identitatea si intimitatea. Ea este recunoscuta pentru  
capacitatea sa de a investiga si urmari strainii si viata lor privata.  
In fotografiile sale ea include adesea pasaje de text scrise tot de ea.

Acest document face parte din seria ART SAFARI de Ben LEWIS.

descarcati comunicatul de presa la:

proiect realizat de Asociatia Oberliht
director de proiect, curator - Vladimir US
co-curator - Natasa BODROZIC
contact: info(la)oberliht.org.md

IN ASTEPTAREA CHIIOSC-ului este un program de proeictii de film la  
ARThotel, care se desfasoara pe parcursul lunii iulie 2009 si va face  
o introducere pentru CHIOSC ce urmeaza sa fie instalat in centrul  
Chisinaului. Proiectiile se adreseaza publicului larg incercind sa  
creeze o comunitate interesata in activitatile CHIOSC-ului dar si in  
arta contemporana in general. Va fi prezentat un program compilativ cu  
citeva teme structurate pe diverse practici artistice care au marcat  
lumea artei in ultimile citeva decenii. Optind pentru formatul de film  
documentar, propunem filmul drept mediere intre arta contemporana si  
spectator pe care il invitam la o discutie, indiferent de nivelul de  
cunostinte pe care el il poseda in acest domeniu.
Proiectiile de film vor fi prezentate de Natasa BODROZIC


Natasa BODROZIC (Zagreb, 1978), curator, lucrator cultural.
Presedintele asociatiei "Asociatii Libere / Slobodne veze", stabilita  
la  Zagreb; co-curator al proiectului iAsociatii libere, practice  
artistice contemporane pe scena internationala astazii in colaborare  
cu Ivana MESTROV, curator. A lucrat anterior  pentru festivalul Queer  
Zagreb. Scrie pentru cateva reviste si internet portaluri.


Joi, 9 iulie, 2009, ora 18:00
Jours tranquilles au Musee Precaire Albinet ,  regie: Coraly Suard,  
ARTFILMS, 2004. FR 54'
House, Artangel, 2006, UK 26'

Joi, 16 iulie, 2009, ora 18:00
Balkan Baroque, regie: Pierre Coulibeuf, 1999-  FR, 58'
Destricted (segment "Balkan Erotic Epic"), 2006. -UK/ USA 15'

Marti, 21 iulie, 2009, ora 18:00
Performing the border, 1999, 43i+ Europlex (Ursula Biemann & Angela  
Sanders), 2003, 20', eseuri video.

Marti, 28 iulie, 2009, ora 18:00
Sophie CALLE, Maurizio CATTELAN, Matthew BARNEY, ART SAFARI de Ben  
LEWIS, ARTE 2005, FR/DE, 78'

Proiectiile vor fi urmate de discutii informale si de socializare.



(str. Gh. Asachi 53/1, lit. "A", Chisinau)
harta: http://arthotel.wordpress.com/arthotel-map
ARThotel este un spatiu deschis creatiei si schimbului artistic in  
orasul Chisinau al carui forta motrice o constituie artistii si  
practicile lor. El s-a lansat in august 2008 cu un proiect realizat de  
Coordonat de Asociatia Oberliht, ARThotel gazduieste un program de  
resedinte de scurta durata pentru artisti si arte vizuale n un spatiu  
de productie, creatie, difuzare, formare, dezbateri etc. cu  
posibilitatea extinderii domeniului acoperit catre alte discipline in  


Revista STARE de URGENTA, Chisinau http://staredeurgenta.blogspot.com
Vizura Aperta, Zagreb http://www.rhiz.eu/institution-12943-en.html
Asociatia Slobodne Veze, Zagreb http://www.rhiz.eu/institution-29115-en.html
Centrul de Arta Contemporana din Kiev
Studio - Asociatia Tinerilor Artisti, Budapesta http://studio.c3.hu
UNAgaleria, Bucuresti http://unagaleria.blogspot.com
AREA Chicago http://www.areachicago.org


Muzeul National de Etnografie si Istorie Naturala (MNEIN)
Muzeul National de Arta al Moldovei (MNAM)
Filarmonica Nationala Serghei Lunchevici
Sala cu Orga
Teatrul Satiricus I. L. Caragiale http://satiricus.md
Teatrul Rus de Stat A. P. Cehov
Centrul pentru Arta Contemporana, Chisinau [ksa:k] http://www.art.md
Asociatia pentru Dezvoltarea Dansului Modern
OWH TV Studio http://owh.md
Asociatia ARTIstudio
Clubul Literar http://www.clubliterar.com
Grupul Human Zone http://humanzone.wordpress.com


director de proiect
Vladimir US
tel: + /373 22/ 286317

responsabil pentru relatii cu publicul
tel: + /373/ 69  679472

Proiectul CHIOSC, punct de informare cultural si platforma de  
participare publica a fost lansat in orasul Chisinau. Este conceput  
intr-un context social-politic complex al procesului de tranzitie,  
intentionind sa promoveze arta contemporana si cultura tinerilor in  
spatiul public prin strierea si contaminarea informationala a  
teritoriului urban, sa incurajeze participarea activa a diverselor  
categorii de persoane reprezentind diferite domenii deseori  
marginalizate si oferindu-le o platforma de manifestare publica, sa  
intareasca retelele locale si sa dezvolte retelele internationale de  
operatori si profesionisti din domeniul culturii, sa influenteze  
politicile publice in vederea extinderii accesului si utilizarii mai  
putin restrictionate a spatiul public.

Flat Space | Spatiu Deschis pentru Galeria Mobila n o compozitie  
arhitecturala de dimensiuni mici, proiectata de Stefan Rusu n este o  
replica functionala a unui apartament fara pereti care va servi drept  
spatiu deschis prezentarilor publice si evenimente culturale. Totodata  
CHIOSC-ul va reprezenta un punct de informare cultural accesibil  
oricarei categorii de public: profesionistilor, amatorilor sau celor  
interesati de arta contemporana.

Proiectul intentioneaza sa prezinte diversitatea si bogatia unor  
practici artistice din majoritatea tarilor care formeaza continentul  
european, astfel unul dintre obiective este de a invita artisti,  
teoreticieni, operatori culturali sa participe in activitatile CHIOSC- 
ului cu expozitii, ateliere, proiectii, prezentari, intalniri s. a.

Proiectul CHIOSC cuprinde si rezultatele proiectului INTERVENTII3 care  
a fost realizat in 2008:

Proiectul CHIOSC beneficiaza de sprijinul Fundatiei Culturale  
Europene, Directiei Cultura al Municipiului Chisinau, Preturii  
sectorului Centru, Preturii sectoruluii Buiucani, Aliantei Franceze  
din Moldova, Institutului Cultural Roman prin Programul CANTEMIR  
(2008), Uniunii Latine (Biroul din Republica Moldova), Henkel Romania  
precum si a CEC ArtsLink si programului Gulliver Connect.

Pentru mai multe detalii nu ezitati sa ne contactati la:
tel/fax: + (373 22) 286317
email: info(la)oberliht.org.md
skype: oberliht

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The CHIOSC project
cultural info-point - platform for public participation

Waiting for the CHIOSC - a program of film screenings at ARThotel
selection by Natasa BODROZIC
July 28, 2009, 6 pm, Chisinau


The last session of Waiting for the Chiosc screenings in ARThotel  
presents three artists: Matthew BARNEY, Sophie CALLE and Maurizio  
CATTELAN, established names in contemporary art world, whose works  
make part of all relevant art collections today. Their art practices  
will be presented through specific format of documentary film, through  
investigation conducted by art historian Ben Lewis who is trying to  
deconstruct and demystify the phenomenon of the contemporary art.

Matthew BARNEY (San Francisco, 1967) is a controversial American  
artist who works in sculpture, photography, drawing and film. After  
graduating from Yale in 1991, BARNEY entered the art world to almost  
instant controversy and success. Between 1994 and 2002 he created the  
Cremaster Cycle, a series of five feature-length films described as  
"one of the most imaginative and brilliant achievements in the history  
of avant-garde cinema." The title of the films refers to the muscle  
that raises and lowers the male reproductive system according to  
temperature, external stimulation, or fear. The films themselves are a  
grand mixture of history, autobiography and mythology, an intensely  
private universe in which symbols and images are densely layered and  

Italian artist Maurizio CATTELAN (Padova, 1960), is probably best  
known for his satirical and controversial sculptures, particularly La  
Nona Ora (The Ninth Hour), depicting the Pope John Paul II struck down  
by a meteorite. Through his work, he questions general opinion that  
art is separated from the reality and therefore allows much broader  
range of action than it is usually permitted. The Pope hit by  
meteorite, Hitler as a praying boy (Him), a squirrel who has just  
committed suicide (Bidibidobidiboo) are some of CATTELAN’s figures,  
caricatured and somewhat tragic, at the same time.

Sophie CALLE (born 1953) is a French writer, photographer,  
installation artist, and conceptual artist. CALLE's work is  
distinguished by its use of arbitrary sets of constraints. Her work  
frequently depicts human vulnerability, and examines identity and  
intimacy. She is recognized for her detective-like ability to follow  
strangers and investigate their private lives. Her photographic work  
often includes panels of text of her own writing.

This documentary is part of ART SAFARI series by Ben Lewis.

download the press-release at:

a project by Oberliht Association
project director, curator - Vladimir US
co-curator - Natasa BODROZIC
contact: info(at)oberliht.org.md

WAITING FOR THE CHIOSC is a series of film screenings at ARThotel that  
will happen during July 2009 and will give an introduction to CHIOSC,  
which is waiting to be installed in the center of Chisinau. The  
screenings address wide audiences attempting to create a community  
that would be interested in the activities that CHIOSC brings as well  
as in contemporary art in general. An eclectic program dealing with  
several themes and artistic practices that marked the art world within  
the last few decades will be presented. By choosing the format of  
documentaries we propose film as mediation between the contemporary  
art and the viewer, and invite him/her for a discussion no matter of  
the level of previous knowledge that one has in this field.
All the screenings will be presented by Natasa BODROZIC.


Natasa BODROZIC (Zagreb, 1978), curator, cultural worker, head of the  
organization "Loose associations/ Slobodne veze", based in Zagreb; co- 
curates the project "Loose asociations, contemporary art practices on  
the international scene today" in collaboration with Ivana MESTROV,  
curator. Previously worked for Queer Zagreb festival (production  
associate). She writes for several magazines and internet portals.


The program will be divided in several topics/themes presented by the  
following artists:

Thursday, July 9, 2009, 6 pm
Jours tranquilles au Musee Precaire Albinet ,  dir: Coraly Suard,  
ARTFILMS, 2004. FR 54’
House, Artangel, 2006, UK 26’

Thursday, July 16, 2009, 6 pm
Balkan Baroque, dir: Pierre Coulibeuf, 1999-  FR, 58’
Destricted (segment "Balkan Erotic Epic"), 2006. -UK/ USA 15'

Tuesday, July 21, 2009, 6 pm
Performing the border, 1999, 43’+ Europlex (Ursula Biemann & Angela  
Sanders), 2003, 20’, video essays

Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 6 pm
Sophie CALLE, Maurizio CATTELAN, Matthew BARNEY, ART SAFARI by Ben  
LEWIS, ARTE 2005, FR/DE, 78’

The screenings will be followed by informal discussions and socializing.


(str. Gh. Asachi 53/1, lit. iAi, Chisinau)
map: http://arthotel.wordpress.com/arthotel-map
ARThotel is a space for artistic creation and exchange in the city of  
Chisinau whose driving force is generated by artists and their  
practices. It opened in August 2008 with a project by Dan PERJOVSCHI.
Run by Oberliht Association it will primarily host visual art(ists)  
for short-term residencies, creation, production, diffusion,  
workshops, and debates with the possibility to open towards other  
disciplines in the future. http://arthotel.wordpress.com


STATE of EMERGENCY magazine, Chisinau http://staredeurgenta.blogspot.com
Vizura Aperta, Zagreb http://www.rhiz.eu/institution-12943-en.html
Slobodne Veze, Zagreb http://www.rhiz.eu/institution-29115-en.html
Studio Young Artists Association, Budapest http://studio.c3.hu
Center for Contemporary Art, Kiev
UNAgaleria, Bucharest http://unagaleria.blogspot.com
AREA Chicago http://www.areachicago.org


National Museum of Art of Moldova
Serghei Lunchevici National Philarmonics
Organ Hall
Satiricus I. L. Caragiale Theatre http://satiricus.md
A. P. Cehov State Russian Theatre
Center for Contemporary Art, Chisinau [ksa:k] http://www.art.md
Modern Dance Development Association
OWH TV Studio http://owh.md
ARTIstudio Association
Literary Club http://www.clubliterar.com
Human Zone Group http://humanzone.wordpress.com


project director
Vladimir US
tel: + /373 22/ 286317

public relations
tel: + /373/ 69  679472

The CHIOSC project, a cultural info-point and a platform for public  
participation is being launched in the city of Chisinau. It has been  
conceived in a complex social and political context that marks the  
period of transition, with the intention to promote contemporary art  
and youth culture in public space by contaminating the urban territory  
with relevant information. It is meant to encourage active  
participation of diverse social groups representing often marginalized  
or less visible domains by putting at their disposal a public platform  
for manifestation, to strengthen local and develop regional and  
international network of cultural operators and professionals, to  
influence the existing public policies and local authorities to extend  
the access to public space and allow itis less restricted usage.

The FLAT SPACE for mObile gallery n small architecture unit designed  
by Stefan RUSU will represent a functional replica of an apartment  
without walls that will provide an open space for public presentations  
and cultural activities. It will also serve as a cultural info-point  
accessible to general publics: professionals, amateurs or cotemporary  
art lovers.

This project intends to present the diversity and richness of various  
art practices carried out in different parts of European continent,  
thus one of its objectives is to invite artists, theorists, cultural  
workers to participate in CHIOSCis activities with exhibitions,  
workshops, screenings, talks etc.

The CHIOSC project includes the results of the INTERVENTIONS3 project  
realized in 2008:

The CHIOSC project receives support from the European Cultural  
Foundation, Cultural Department of the city of Chisinau, Center and  
Buiucani districts of city of Chisinau, Latin Union (Republic of  
Moldova office), Romanian Cultural Institute through CANTEMIR Program  
(2008), CEC ArtsLink, Gulliver Connect, French Alliance Moldova and  
Henkel Romania.

For more details please contact us at:
tel/fax: + (373 22) 286317
email: info(at)oberliht.org.md
skype: oberliht

Vladimir US

CHIOSC   |   director de proiect


Proiectul CHIOSC este realizat cu suportul financiar al Fundatiei  
Culturale Europene http://www.eurocult.org

Asociatia Tinerilor Plasticieni din Moldova "Oberliht"
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
tel/fax:	+ (373 22) 286317
mob:	+ (373) 69 171010
email: 	vladimir at oberliht.org.md
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldo

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