[Oberlist] BG* call/edu: Master Degree Programme in Artistic Psycho-Social Practices 2009-2010

US Vladimir us_v at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 31 21:13:15 CEST 2009

Vladimir Us
artist & curator

From: info la redhouse-sofia.org
To: us_v la hotmail.com
Subject: Master Degree Programme in Artistic Psycho-Social Practices admits students for the academic 2009-2010 year 
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 18:30:25 +0300

			30.07 - 30.07 /09

			Dear Mr Us, 


		Master Degree Programme in 
				Artistic Psycho-Social Practices 
		- a joint programme of the New Bulgarian University and The Red House Centre for Culture and Debate - admits students for the academic 2009-2010 year

		The MA programme is designed for people who have at least a bachelor degree in one or more of the following fields:
• various arts (theatre, drama, music, visual arts, dance, etc.);
• psychology, social work, pedagogy, humanities, sociology, philosophy, economics, medicine, etc.;
• cultural management, cultural policy, cultural anthropology, etc.
The admission to the programme is based on 1. a motivational essay and 2. an interview. 

Those graduated from the programme acquire master of art diploma with specialty in art and social activities, professional qualification consultant in the social field through artistic (expressive) means with the specialization in theatre in the social work, psychodrama, sociometry and group dynamics and the educational profile Master of Arts in Artistic Psycho-Social Practices.

Consultations, Admission, Inscriptions and Scholarships

All preliminary questions should be addressed to tzviossifova la gmail.com or to mobile (+ 359 888) 95 25 00 or, from 7 September (Monday) on, to tel. (+ 359 2) 988 81 88, 986 44 16.

Consultations will take place from on the following dates:
14 August (Friday), 1.00 p.m.-3.00 p.m., The Red House
11 September (Thursday), 1.00 p.m.-3.00 p.m., NBU, corpus I, hall 205
18 September (Thursday), 1.00 p.m.-3.00 p.m., NBU, corpus I, hall 129
28 September (Monday), 1.00 p.m.-3.00 p.m., NBU, corpus I, hall 129

It is necessary to register prior to the admission interview. Documents are to be submitted to the NBU, Students Department, office 215, corpus І.

Admission interview
The admission interviews will take place on 29 September, 2009 (Tuesday) – from 1.00 p.m. till 4.00 p.m., hall 129, corpus І at the NBU.

The motivational essay should be prepared in advance and submitted in written during the admission exam.

The New Bulgarian University offers opportunities for getting scholarships. For more information visit www.nbu.bg  

Useful addresses:
The Red House: 15, Ljuben Karavelov Str., 1142 Sofia 
New Bulgarian University: 21, Montevideo Str., 1635 Sofia

read the full text

Best wishes,



The Team of the Red House Centre for Culture and Debate





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 The Red House Centre for Culture and Debate “Andrey Nikolov”

15 Ljuben Karavelov Str.

1142 Sofia


Reservations - call at least two hours before the event at (+ 359 2) 988 81 88, 

(+ 359 885) 82 85 32 - for mobile phones,
office la redhouse-sofia.org and at

Tickets – the box office is open one hour before the event.

The Red House Centre for Culture and Debate “Andrey Nikolov” reserves the right 
to make changes in the programme.

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The Red House Centre for Culture and Debate “Andrey Nikolov” is a project of Gulliver Clearing House Foundation. It was founded with the support of MATRA programme of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and Open Society Institute – Sofia.




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