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Sun Sep 6 22:39:49 CEST 2009
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
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portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
From: "Pavilion" <newsletter la pavilionmagazine.org>
Date: Sun, September 6, 2009 17:41
To: ober la emdash.org
/for English please scroll down/
10 septembrie - 22 noiembrie, 2009
Deschidere oficiala: 10 septembrie 2009, orele 19.00
Curator: Razvan Ion (RO)
Participanti: Luke Fowler (GB), Jean Genet (FR), Hanif Kureishi (GB),
Thomas Hirschhorn (CH), Renzo Martens (NL/CG), Alex Mirutziu (RO),
Naeem Mohaiemen (BD), Sebastian Moldovan (RO), Taller Popular De
Serigrafia (AR), Colm Toibin (IE), Michel Tournier (FR), Pavilion
Resource Room (RO).
“Intoarcerea reprimatului†e o tema fundamentala, esentiala
pentru intelegerea istoriei recente. „Proiectul Occidentului,
proiectul nietzschean a urmarit eliminarea religiei si crearea unei
societati seculare, in care barbatii si femeile sa-si creeze propriile
valori, deoarece moralitatea a disparut, spune scriitorul britanic de
origine pakistaneza Hanif Kureishi. Iar apoi religia, in forma ei
radicala, se reintoarce din Lumea a Treia. Cum sa nu rizi de asa ceva?
Cum sa nu vezi aici o profunda ironie a istoriei?â€.
Intoarcerea reprimatului reprezinta procesul prin care elementele
reprimate, ce se pastreaza in subconstient, au tendinta sa apara din
nou – in constiinta sau in comportament – sub forma unor
„derivate ale subconstientului†de tip secundar, mai mult sau mai
putin recognoscibile. Aceasta intoarcere a reprimatului, a
ideologiilor impinse spre marginalizare, a subiectului sexual silit sa
se ascunda, provoaca in ultimii ani o transformare aproape dramatica a
unei societati napadite de spaime, halucinatii si reprimare, toate
impuse de reglementarile inutile, ce sustin violenta represiva a
guvernelor impotriva propriilor lor cetateni.
Reprimarea ca proces psihic constient si voluntar, care consta in
renuntarea la satisfacerea unei dorinte care nu se afla in concordanta
cu persoana morala duce la anihilarea, alienarea celor mai simple
dorinte si revolte.
Teama principala acum este modelul noii diviziuni internationale a
muncii. Acest concept aparent imprumutat de catre liderii capitalisti
de la socialistii vechi ascunde in fapt ceva mult mai dur care va
aduce indubitabil o intarire a statului ca instrument de represiune.
Noua diviziune internationala a muncii este o chestiune mult mai
important de discutat decât altele pentru ca este, poate, cea mai
importanta cauza a a represiuniii, fie ea politica sau civila.
Pe de alta parte, sistemul juridic actual privit atent ne releva un
sistem revoltator, un sistem care sustine exploatarea de clasa,
radicalizarea prapastiei intre clasele sociale si suprematia
majoritatii albe heteronormative macho-patriarhale. Sistemul juridic
sustine creearea obedientei politice si are grija de reglarea pretului
muncii. in fapt protejeaza creearea de capital si un tip de inechitate
Pentru a intelege efectele majore ale violentei statului trebuie sa
privim si alternativa: asistenta statala pentru cei saraci si pentru
clasa muncitoare. Frances Fox-Piven si Richard Cloward scriau in "New
Class War": "legatura dintre programele de mentinere ale veniturilor,
piata muncii si profituri este indirecta, dar nu foarte complicata".
Prea multa democratie sociala va determina oamenii sa nu mai fie
multumti de salariile mizere, de conditiile infecte de lucru. Deci,
chiar daca facem conversia, legaturile statului represiv cu piata
muncii si profiturile nu sunt complicate deloc.
Represia gestioneaza saracia. Saracia duce la reducerea lefurilor.
Salariile mici cresc rata de exploatare si creaza profit. Ceea ce
reprezinta scopul principal al statului. (Extras din textul "Exploring
the return of repression" de Razvan Ion, publicat in ziarul "Exploring
the return of repression").
Evenimente discursive: Urban Larssen (SE), Sina Najafi (USA), Alex
Mirutziu (RO), Cosmin Marian (RO), Sebastian Moldovan (RO).
Publicatie/ziar: 32 pages, 31,5 x 42 cm, b/w, english. distributed
for free.
Cu texte de Andrei Craciun (RO), Tatjana Greif (SI), Daraka Larimore
Hall (NO), Razvan Ion (RO), Rolling Thunder (USA), Ronald F. King
(USA), Urban Larssen (SE), Jose Louis Meiras (AR), Suzana Milevska
(MK), Naeem Mohaiemen (BD), Maria Eva Blotta & Diego Posadas (AR),
Eugen Radescu (RO), Michel Tournier (FR).
Publicatiile pot fi descarcate gratuit la
Assistant curator: Silvia Vasilescu
Vineri, 02 Octombrie, 2009
17.00 Exhibtion tour with Razvan Ion (curator)
Vineri, 23 Octombrie, 2009
17.00 Exhibition tour with Silvia Vasilescu (assistant curator)
Imagine: Thomas Hirschhorn, “Where do I stand ? What do I want
?â€, publication, 96 pages, 2007 (detail).
September 10 - November 22, 2009
Opening: September 10, 2009, 19.00 hours
Curator: Razvan Ion
Participants: Luke Fowler (GB), Jean Genet (FR), Hanif Kureishi (GB),
Thomas Hirschhorn (CH), Renzo Martens (NL/CG), Alex Mirutziu (RO),
Naeem Mohaiemen (BD), Sebastian Moldovan (RO), Taller Popular De
Serigrafia (AR), Colm Toibin (IE), Michel Tournier (FR), Pavilion
Resource Room (RO).
“The return of the repressed†is a crucial theme, a key to
understanding recent history. "The project of the West, the
Nietzschean project, has been to drive out religion and to produce a
secular society in which men and women make their own values, because
morality is goneâ€, writes Hanif Kureishi, British writer of
Pakistani descent. “Then suddenly radical religion returns from the
Third World. How can you not laugh at that? How can you not find that
a deep historical irony?"
The return of the repressed is the process whereby repressed
elements, preserved in the unconscious, tend to reappear, in
consciousness or in behavior, in the shape of secondary and more or
less unrecognizable "derivatives of the unconscious." This return of
the repressed, of ideologies forced to marginalization, of sexuality
subject to forced secrecy, has resulted, in recent years, in an almost
dramatic change of a society filled with anguish, hallucinations,
repression imposed by unnecessary regulations that serve to the
repressive violence of governments against their own citizens.
Repression as a conscious and voluntary psychological process,
consisting of giving up the fulfillment of a desire which is not in
full accord with the moral being, leads to the annihilation and
alienation of the simplest desires and rebellions.
The main apprehension is now the model of a new international
division of labour. This concept has apparently been borrowed by the
capitalist leaders from the old socialists, and it is actually hiding
something even harsher, something that will bring forth the
strengthening of the state as instrument of repression. The new
international division of labour is a more important issue to discuss
than others, because it is, perhaps, the most important cause of both
the political and the civil repression.
On the other hand, if we examine carefully the present legal system,
it is reveal itself as a revolting system, supporting the class
exploitation, the radicalization of the chasm among social classes and
the supremacy of the white heteronormative and macho-patriarchal
majority. The legal system supports the creation of the political
obedience and it deals with the adjustment of the value of work.
Actually, it protects the capital creation and a type of legal
In order to understand the main effects of the state violence, we
also have to consider the alternative: the social assistance for the
poor and for the working class. Frances Fox-Piven and Richard Cloward
wrote in New Class War: “the connection between the income
maintenance programs, the labour market and profits is indirect, but
not complicatedâ€. Too much social democracy will make people stop
being grateful for low wages and poor work conditions. Thus, even with
the converse, the link between state repression, labour market and
profits is not complicated at all.
Repression manages poverty. Poverty depresses wages. Low wages
increase the rate of exploitation and create profit. Which is the main
purpose of the state. (Excerpt from: Răzvan Ion, "Exploring the
return of repression" in the newspaper "Exploring the return of
Discursive Events: Urban Larssen (SE), Sina Najafi (USA), Alex
Mirutziu (RO), Cosmin Marian (RO), Sebastian Moldovan (RO).
Publication/Newspaper: 32 pages, 31,5 x 42 cm, b/w, english.
distributed for free.
With texts by Andrei Craciun (RO), Tatjana Greif (SI), Daraka
Larimore Hall (NO), Razvan Ion (RO), Rolling Thunder (USA), Ronald
F. King (USA), Urban Larssen (SE), Jose Louis Meiras (AR), Suzana
Milevska (MK), Naeem Mohaiemen (BD), Maria Eva Blotta & Diego Posadas
(AR), Eugen Radescu (RO), Michel Tournier (FR).
With special booklet insert by Taller Popular De Serigrafia (AR).
Free PDF download of the publications at
Assistant curator: Silvia Vasilescu
Friday, October 2, 2009
17.00 Exhibtion tour with Razvan Ion (curator)
Friday, October 23, 2009
17.00 Exhibition tour with Silvia Vasilescu (assistant curator)
Image: Thomas Hirschhorn, “Where do I stand ? What do I want ?â€,
publication, 96 pages, 2007 (detail).
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