[Oberlist] RO* evnt: CIV / DEZBATERE: Intre lupta anti-comunista si rebeliune legionara. Manifestari nationaliste in Piata Universitatii 1990. Invitat: Costi Rogozanu

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Wed Apr 6 22:55:24 CEST 2011

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Subject: [artacontemporana] Joi, 7 aprilie, ora 19:00, la CIV / DEZBATERE:
Intre lupta anti-comunista si rebeliune legionara. Manifestari
nationaliste in Piata Universitatii 1990. Invitat: Costi Rogozanu
From:    "Dan Angelescu" <pudibonderie at gmail.com>
Date:    Wed, April 6, 2011 11:34 am
To:      fvpci at yahoogroups.com
         artacontemporana at yahoogroups.com
         info_culture at yahoogroups.com

[image: Afis-eveniment-CAPETE_A3-LEGIONARII.jpg]

*for English please scroll down*

*Joi, 7 aprilie, ora 19:00, la Centrul de Introspectie Vizuala

Intre lupta anti-comunista si rebeliune legionara.
Manifestari nationaliste in Piata Universitatii 1990

Invitat: Costi Rogozanu

Dezbatere coordonata de Mihaela Michailov si David Schwartz.*

* *
In 1990 Piata Universitatii a fost loc de intalnire si exprimare pentru
orice bucurestean
dornic sa isi exercite dreptul la libertatea de expresie. De la fosti
detinuti politici la
admiratori si fosti membri ai partidelor istorice, de la intelectuali si
artisti pana la miscari muncitoresti,
de la jurnalisti proaspat intorsi din Europa de Vest pana la tineri
folk-isti. In aceasta patura
pestrita, nationalismul inteles in stransa legatura cu religia ortodoxa a
fost, de la inceput,
prezent si adoptat de cvasi-majoritate ca valoare comuna, “interzisa inainte
de revolutie”.
Prezenta icoanelor si desele apeluri catre rugaciune venite de la balcon
erau privite de
majoritate ca semne firesti de exprimare a credintei, imposibila inainte,
si, astfel, de afirmare
a democratiei si libertatii religioase.

Acest context confuz, in care ateismul era confundat cu comunismul, iar
ideea iudeo-bolsevismului
vinovat extern (si unic) pentru regimul totalitar romanesc era afirmata tot
mai puternic, a permis si incurajat renasterea miscarii legionare si
infiintarea diferitelor
grupari de extrema dreapta. Chiar in cadrul Partidului National Taranist
(partid istoric de
stanga,  rebotezat “crestin si democrat”), fosti legionari (Ion Puiu)
organizau miscari de tineret.

Cat de active au fost aceste grupari in Piata Universitatii? Care au fost
datele de care s-a folosit
conducerea F.S.N. pentru a numi miscarea de protest “rebeliune legionara”?
Au legitimat
Piata Universitatii, si apoi mineriada, miscarile de extrema dreapta din
anii ‘90 si 2000?
Cum a ajuns Grupul Independent pentru Democratie (asociatie activa si
initiatoare a protestelor
din piata) sa protesteze, in prezent, impotriva drepturilor homosexualilor?
Si cum a ajuns
Asociatia Victimelor Mineriadelor sa militeze pentru “recunoasterea
holocaustului evreilor
impotriva romanilor”? Au confiscat miscarile de extrema dreapta notiunea de
in spatiul public romanesc? Unde se situeaza linia fina care desparte
nationalismul inteles
ca patriotism si ca respectare a valorilor romanesti, de xenofobie,
homofobie si fundamentalism

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*Thursday, April 7th, 7pm, at the Centre for Visual Introspection

Between the Anti-Communist Fight and the Legionary Rebellion.
Nationalist Demonstrations in Universitatii Square in 1990.

Guest: Costi Rogozanu

Debate coordinated by Mihaela Michailov and David Schwartz*

In 1990 Universitatii Square was a place of meeting and expression for any
inhabitant of Bucharest
eager to exercise his right of freedom of expression. From former political
prisoners to admirers
and former members of the historical parties, from intellectuals and artists
to workers’ movements,
from journalists recently returned from Western Europe to young folkists.
The quasi-majority of this
mixed social category embraced from the very beginning nationalism,
understood in strong connection
with the Christian Orthodox faith, as a common value “prohibited before the
revolution”. The presence
of icons and the frequent calls to prayer resounding from the balcony were
considered by the majority
as natural modalities of expression of one’s faith, which were impossible
before, and as such, as modalities
of assertion of democracy and religious freedom.

This confusing context, in which atheism was mistaken for communism and the
theory that the external
Judaic-Bolshevik organizations were the (only) party guilty for the
totalitarian regime in Romania was
asserted with increasing force, permitted and encouraged the rebirth of the
Iron Guard Movement
and the establishment of various far-right factions. In the very heart of
the Peasants’ National Party
(a historical left party re-baptized “Christian and Democrat”), former
members of the Legion (Ion Puiu)
were organizing youth demonstrations.

How active were these movements in Universitatii Square? What were the facts
on which the
leaders of FSN relied when they called the protests a “Legionary rebellion”?
Did the Universitatii
Square demonstrations and thereafter the “mineriad” legitimize the far right
movements in the ’90s and 2000s?
How has the Independent Group for Democracy (an active association which
initiated the protests
in that square) ended up fighting at present against the rights of
homosexual persons? And how did the
Association of the Victims of the Mineriads end up militating for the
“recognition of the holocaust the Jews
conducted against the Romanians”? Have the far-right movements confiscated
the notion of protest in the
Romanian public space? Where is the thin line separating nationalism,
understood as patriotism and
respect for Romanian values, from xenophobia, homophobia and religious

To sign up for newsletter: office at pplus4.ro


In parteneriat cu: UAP, Biblioteca Alternativa, Centrul National al Dansului

Parteneri media: Zeppelin, Arhitext, Critic Atac, Revista 22, IglooMedia,
Radio Romania Cultural,
Sapte Seri, Zile si nopti, 9am.ro, WebPR.ro, hipmag.ro, modernism.ro,
veiozaarte.ro, artboom.ro, neaparat.ro, metropotam.ro, artactmagazine.ro,
revista Arte si Meserii, gingergroup.ro, artclue.ro, TATAIA, stiupecineva.ro

Centrul de Introspectie Vizuala
Str. Biserica Enei nr.16, Sector 1
Bucuresti (zona Universitate, langa Facultatea de Arhitectura si Urbanism
"Ion Mincu")
office at pplus4.ro

Roxana Danaila  roxana.danaila at pplus4.ro  0748 030 766
Dan Angelescu  dan.angelescu at pplus4.ro  0740 982 413

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