[Oberlist] US* Fun Places?: (Extra)ordinary Getaways in Cold War Eastern Europe - call for papers

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Dum Sep 9 08:12:38 CEST 2007

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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Nettime-ro Digest, Vol 54, Issue 4
From:    nettime-ro-request la nettime.org
Date:    Wed, September 5, 2007 13:08
To:      nettime-ro la nettime.org

Message: 4
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 22:47:32 -0400
From: "Horea Avram" <horea.avram la gmail.com>
Subject: [Nettime-ro] Fun Places?: (Extra)ordinary Getaways in Cold
	War	Eastern Europe - call for papers

  *Fun Places?: (Extra)ordinary Getaways in Cold War Eastern Europe*  *
States&location=California>, United
*Call for Papers Date:* 2007-10-10  *Date Submitted:* 2007-08-28
ID:* 157980  This is a call for papers about places where Eastern Europeans
went to get away from the everyday routines of work, home, and school during
the Cold War era. Museums, music venues, pubs, sports centers, tourist
destinations, and houses of culture are some of the places that can be
explored. What did these places look like? Who built and managed them, and
for what end? Who visited them, how often, and why? One conceptual question
tying the papers together could be whether these places were ever purely
sites of fun or entertainment, as opposed to spaces politicized in some way.
Another could be whether fun places gave Eastern Europeans opportunities to
act privately while out in public. The organizers hope that the panel topics
will represent a diversity of Eastern European countries and peoples, and be

The panel will meet at the National Popular Culture & American Culture
Association's Joint Conference, March 19-22, 2008 at the San Francisco
Mariott in San Francisco, California. For more information on the
conference, visit the website at http://pcaaca.org/conference/2008/index.php.

Proposals should be approximately 200-250 words in length. Please include
with them your preferred mailing address, telephone number, and email
address, and mention of any audio/visual necessities for your presentation.

All proposals should be emailed (word or rtf) to Cate Giustino –
giustcm la auburn.edu

Deadline for receiving the proposals is October 10, 2007.

Questions about this panel can be directed to Cate Giustino (
giustcm la auburn.edu). Questions about other panels on Eastern Europe to be
held at the PCAACA meeting in San Francisco can be sent to Jeff Johnson (
john2299 la msu.edu).
  Cate Giustino
History Department
310 Thach Hall
Auburn University
Auburn, AL 36830

Email: giustcm la auburn.edu
Visit the website at http://pcaaca.org/conference/2008/index.php

Nettime-ro mailing list
Nettime-ro la nettime.org

End of Nettime-ro Digest, Vol 54, Issue 4

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