[Oberlist] HU* CfP: Alternative Images: Documentary as Counter-Culture

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Dum Sep 9 08:14:54 CEST 2007

Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [artbox] CFP: Alternative Images: Documentary as Counter-Culture
From:    "Yuriy Vulkovsky" <yvulkovsky la dir.bg>
Date:    Wed, September 5, 2007 15:47
To:      elektrik_bg la yahoogroups.com
         "artbox" <artbox la groups.cult.bg>

Za vasha informaciya

Yuriy Vulkovsky

----- Original Message -----
From: "Imre Szeman" <szeman la mcmaster.ca>
To: <g-csacont la mcmaster.ca>; <FILM-PHILOSOPHY la jiscmail.ac.uk>;
<mlg-ics la andrew.cmu.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 2:14 PM
Subject: [G-csacont] CFP: Alternative Images: Documentary as Counter-Culture

> Call for Papers and Participants
> OSA Archivum in collaboration with OSI-HESP Regional Seminar for
> Excellence in Teaching "Alternative Culture Beyond Borders: Past and
> Present of the Arts and Media in the Context of Globalization"
> announces call for papers for the workshop "Alternative Images:
> Documentary as Counter-Culture" to be held 8-9 November 2007 at OSA
> Archivum (Arany Janos 32, Budapest, Hungary).
> Workshop description
> On-going technological developments, crowned by the digital revolution,
> have been continuously transforming the making of documentary films.
> Lighter, cheaper, and easier to handle equipment has gradually made
> filmmaking accessible to broader and broader circles interested in the
> creation of moving images. Aimed at catching life "as it is,"
> documentary filmmaking has been continuously paralleled and
> supplemented by the desire to go beyond the representational surface,
> to change the world, to uncover deeper structures with the help of
> montage or added commentary. From the emergence of documentary cinema,
> artistic groups and individuals have challenged dominant ways of seeing
> -- from the avant-garde movements of the 1920s (with such figures as
> Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Walter Ruttmann, Alberto Cavalcanti, and Dziga
> Vertov), the political counter-culture cinema of the 1950-60s (which
> includes such figures as Chris Marker, Stan Brakhage, Alexander Kluge)
> and amateur filmmakers whose works preserved alternative layers of
> culture. Working in conditions of state control over filmmaking,
> directors in Eastern Europe and today in other parts of the world
> learned not only to portray the realities of the contemporary regimes,
> but simultaneously subverted them (as was done by those working at the
> BBS studio in Hungary in the 1960-80s, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Soviet
> Union, and today in Iran and China, for example).
> Workshop participants will concentrate on the complex relationship of
> the "official" and "unofficial" in documentary filmmaking, both in
> terms of artistic alternatives to commercial production and as
> politically subversive narrative. They will also discuss alternatives
> to established national cinematographies and international distribution
> channels, as well as consider the extensive history of "alternative
> documentaries" from the 1920s through to the present. The workshop will
> also explore new trends in documentary filmmaking and the
> transformations caused by the emergence of new visual media. It will
> further include exploration of the interaction of documentary with
> other media, photography, radio, and performing arts. Participants are
> invited to present case-studies and contribute to discussions on both
> the contemporary media of the global era as well as on
> "counter-culture" documentaries throughout the 20th century, when
> visual imagery subverted and challenged mainstream narratives. The
> growing use of documentary cinema in teaching opens up additional
> topics for discussion. The workshop will address alternative
> representational strategies, the construction of the authenticity
> effect, the (de)construction of ideological narratives, and modalities
> of appropriating and subverting mainstream cultural references.
> Organizers: Oksana Sarkisova; Olga Zaslavskaya
> The workshop is open to film and media scholars, historians,
> sociologists, anthropologists, practicing filmmakers, and anyone
> interested in the development of contemporary media and alternative
> culture. Please submit your presentation abstract (500-1,000 words) and
> CV to workshop2007 la alternativeculture.org
> Deadline for submission: 30 September 2007

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