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Joi Ian 31 03:49:22 CET 2008
--scroll down for english version--
Äî 1 ìàðòà 2008 (äëÿ ãðàæäàí áûâøèõ ñîþçíûõ ðåñïóáëèê – Ïðèáàëòèêè,
Óêðàèíû, Áåëàðóñè, Ìîëäîâû è ñòðàí Âîñòî÷íîãî áëîêà).
15 Noorderlicht Photofestival: Behind Walls - Eastern Europe before
November 1989 / Çà ñòåíîé Âîñòî÷íîé Åâðîïû äî íîÿáðÿ 1989 (Friesland,
ñåíòÿáðü – îêòÿáðü 2008)
Òåìà: Pandora’s Box / ßùèê Ïàíäîðû.
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Äàæå ïîñëå ïåðåìåí èõ ðàáîòà îñòàåòñÿ «çà êàäðîì». Â òî âðåìÿ êàê ìîëîäîå
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ñëèøêîì ïîçäíî; ñëèøêîì ìíîãî ñòåí ñòîÿëî íà ïóòè.
Noorderlicht Ôîòîôåñòèâàëü 2008 èùåò ñêðûòûå «äðàãîöåííîñòè» ïðîøåäøåãî
- - - - -
Friesland, September-October 2008
Behind Walls - Eastern Europe before November 1989
The fall of the Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall changed the world. But
for some, the curtains remain closed and the walls still stand. In the old
East Bloc countries there were a number of talented photographers active
during the Communist era, whose work could not reach the audience it
deserved because of censorship and the Cold War.
Even after the changes, their work remained unseen. Where the present
generation of photographers travel freely and use the internet to bring
their work to a world-wide audience, for this older generation it was too
late; too many walls stood in the way.
The Noorderlicht Photofestival 2008 goes in search of these hidden gems of
times long gone.
'Behind Walls' concentrates on the area between Moscow and Western Europe,
those nations that fell under the influence of the Kremlin in times of the
iron curtain. Most of them now joined or are trying to join the European
Union. Our field of action contains:
* Eastern Germany (DDR, now: Germany)
* Hongary
* Romenia
* Bulgary
* Czechoslovakia (now: Czech Republic and Slovakia)
* Poland
* Western part Sovjet Union (now: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus,
Ukraine and Moldova) (to be confirmed)
This 15th Noorderlicht festival is the fifth and last of the series with a
non-Western region-theme, that is being held in Leeuwarden since 2000.
Starting 2010 the event will take a new approach for bringing non-Western
photography to the attention of the West.
Submissions are welcome. For more information on how to send in work click
here: http://www.noorderlicht.com/eng/info/pandora.html
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
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portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova
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