[Oberlist] RS* Belgrade with Budapest, prezentacija i izlozba
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Sâm Noi 15 12:32:32 CET 2008
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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [openremont] Belgrade with Budapest, prezentacija i izlozba
From: "Mara Maida" <maramaida la yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, November 12, 2008 16:11
To: openremont la yahoogroups.com
Prezentacija organizacije Studio of Young Artists iz Budimpeste
Dom kulture Studentski grad, Studio 26
Petak, 14. novembar u 19 h
Studio of Young Artists je profesionalno udruzenje mladih umetnika koja
ove godine slavi 50 godina postojanja. Clanstvo Studija cini 357 umetnika,
istoricara umetnosti i kriticara. Cilj udruzenja je da pomogne prisustvo i
rad mladih umetnika u kulturnom i umetnickom zivotu, uspostavi kontakte sa
internacionalnom umetnickom scenom, kroz ukljucivanje u medjunarodne
projekte i rezidense. Udruzenje raspolaze galerijskim prostorom Studio
Gallery i organizuje rezidencijalni boravak inostranih umetnika u
Govori: Aron Fenivesy, istoricar umetnosti, clan borda Studia of Young
Izlozba Belgrade with Budapest
Magacin u Kraljevica Marka 8
15. novembar - 30. novembar 2008.
otvaranje u subotu 15. novembra u 19h
Kustosi: Mara Prohaska Markovic i Maida Gruden (kustoski duo, aka
maramaida) iz Beograda i Aron Fenyvesi, istoricar umetnosti iz Budimpeste
Umetnici: Milica Ruzicic, Zsolt Keserue, Aleksandar Jestrovic Jamesdin,
Agnes Verebics, Dimitrije Tadic, Csaba Kis Roka, Maja Obradovic, Uglar
Csaba, Goran Micevski, Tibor Horvath and Maja Josifovic
Izlozba Belgrade with Budapest i boravak madjarskih umetnika u Beogradu
predstavljaju nastavak saradnje izmedju srpske i madjarske umetnicke
scene, ali ne samo zbog uspostavljanja novih veza izmedju umetnika i
kustosa ove dve scene, vec i u cilju jacanja i produbljivanja vec
ostvarenih kontakata. Na taj nacin ce se stimulisati ideja o
intenzifikovanim, istancanim odnosima prema ljudima, stvarima i
fenomenima, a, u isto vreme, i afirmisati odnosi koji obavezuju,
produbljuju, dovode do saznanja i prevazilaze uobicajene prve i jedine
kontakte, kao i indiferentne veze umrezenih pojedinaca na karti sveta.
Tema koja ce se analizirati u okviru projekta Belgrade with Budapest
obuhvatice percepciju umetnosti baziranu na erotizmu kao i na njenom
potpunom preokretu.
Ideja o erotizmu kao nacinu spoznaje i odnosa prema zivotu, koja
podrazumeva specificnu vrstu spojenosti, vezanosti i strasne naklonosti
prema nekome ili necemu, ne samo u vezi sa seksualnoscu, vec sa zudnjom za
otkrivanjem skrivenog i zeljom za obogacivanjem percepcije svakodnevnog,
bice okosnica oko koje ce se kretati produkcija ucesnika srpske umetnicke
S druge strane predstavnici madjarske umetnicke scene ce pojam erotskog
preokrenuti do krajnjih granica, na rubu sa pornografskim, gde znacenje
vise nije skriveno, vec tako ocigledno da niko o njemu ne misli kao
mogucem resenju.
Projekat su podrzali Ministarstvo kulture Republike Srbije i Svajcarski
kulturni program Pro Helvetia Beograd
Friday, November 14th at 7.00 pm
Students' City Cultural Centre, Studio 26
The presentation of the organization Studio of Young Artists from Budapest
Studio of Young artists is a professional association of young artists
which celebrates the 50th anniversary. The membership includes 357
artists, art historians and critics. The aim of the association is to
gather young artists and help their work within the cultural and artistic
life, establish contacts with the international art scene through taking
part in international projects and residences. This association boasts a
spacious Studio Gallery and organizes international artists' sojourn in
Host: Aron Fenivesy, an art historian and member of the board of Young
Exhibition Belgrade with Budapest
Magacin u Kraljevica Marka 8
15. - 30. November 2008.
Opening, Saturday, November 15th at 7.00 pm
Curators: Mara Prohaska Markovic and Maida Gruden (custodian duo aka
maramaida) from Beograda and Aron Fenyvesi, art historian from Budapest
Artists: Milica Ruzicic Zsolt Keserue, Aleksandar Jestrovic Jamesdin,
Agnes Verebics, Dimitrije Tadic, Csaba Kis Roka, Maja Obradovic, Uglar
Csaba, Goran Micevski, Tibor Horvath and Maja Josifovic
Exhibition Belgrade with Budapest and sojourn of Hungarian artists in
Belgrade, correspond to continuation of collaboration between Serbian and
Hungarian art scene that is significant not just for the establishing of
the new contacts and relations between artists and curators of these two
scenes, but because of strengthening and deepening of contacts already
made. In such a way, the idea of intensive, precise relationships towards
people, things, and phenomena will be stimulated. The relationships that
obligate, deepen, bring to knowledge, and go beyond usual first and only
contacts will be asserted, as well as indifferent connections of a person
connected to a world map. Therefore, perception of art which is based on
eroticism as its complete turnover will be the subjects to analyze within
the project "Belgrade with Budapest".
Idea about eroticism as postponed way of recognition and relation to life,
and not only connected to sexuality, but to a wish to enrich everyday
perception in relationships with people, things and phenomena, will be
present in an approach of Belgrade curators.
On the other hand, curator from Budapest will turn up the concept of
sexuality to the extreme limits, where the meaning will no longer be
hidden, but obvious so that nobody thinks about it as a possible solution.
Project is supported by Ministry of Culture of Republic of Serbia and
Swiss Programme for Culture Pro Helvetia Belgrade
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